13 June 2024

7 Signs it’s Time to get a New Job

Career Advice

Many of us have a love-hate relationship with our job. Or with our employer. However, there comes a time when you need to find a new job; in some cases, you might not realise that you should look for that next opportunity. Here are seven signs that you need a new job.

Do I Need a New Job?

1. Limited career progression

Once upon a time, it was deemed beneficial, if not positive if you had stayed in a job for years on end. However, research suggests that just eighteen months to two years is the minimum amount of time anyone should stay in one role. That doesn’t mean you can’t move around in the company, but if there isn’t internal career progression, then it might be a sign you need a new job. A good test is to picture your job a year from now and imagine where you are likely to be – does this thought make you happy? If you’re not excited at the prospect, then maybe you need to search for new potential employers.

Check out our key motivators for making a job move blog here.

2. Bored to tears

One of the biggest factors that prompts people to look for a new job is workplace apathy, according to CV Library. Reportedly, 54% of job hunters claimed to have started their searches as a result of being bored to tears. How about you? Does the day drag? Are your skills wasting away through lack of use? Can you carry out your tasks with your eyes closed, both hands tied behind your back and whilst balancing a ball on your nose? Your job should at least provide a little stimulation and fulfilment. If you’re bored, why not amuse yourself by refreshing your CV instead? Or looking at some new job applications?

If you’re considering doing a job interview, check out our 8 top job interview tips blog here.

3. You’re being passed over

Didn’t get that promotion? The bonus your boss promised never materialised? Not selected for that special project? It happens to the best of us. Being passed over can sting. It can also do serious damage to your sense of self-worth – something you won’t realise until you’re in your new role, when you’ll be asking yourself: “Why on earth did I put up with that for so long?”. Don’t put up with it; get feedback, learn from these experiences and move on if you don’t feel the company is the right fit for you.

4. You moan. A lot.

It’s normal for us to get a little bit peeved once in a while about things at work. But have you found yourself moaning a lot more than usual, lately? And about issues that really aren’t that big a deal? Moaning is quite a clear indicator that you no longer agree with the way things are done, that you feel disgruntled or are just generally fed up and need a change. Some moans are totally legitimate, of course, but put yours into context – was it really a big deal that the boss wanted to put divider screens between the desks or did you just simply want to be somewhere else?

5. You have imagined or planned leaving… several times

Hands up if you’ve ever had that imaginary conversation with the boss, where you eloquently give them what for, stand up for all your colleagues, point out all recent wrong-doings and resign with a dramatic, Hollywood-style flourish to the sound of universal applause?

We might all have done that on the rarest occasion, but that’s the point, it should be rare. If you fantasise about ‘sticking it to the man’ or have your resignation letter permanently saved in draft, then do yourself – and probably your employer – a favour and press ‘send’. Think how fulfilled you could be in a new job? How much job satisfaction and self-esteem you could gain.

6. Company restructures

Is change afoot in the office? Rumours flooding the shop floor? Uncertainty abounding? Company restructures don’t necessarily spell disaster; they could herald the start of a fresh new chapter in the business’ history, guaranteeing longevity and success for all. On the flip side, however, it could hint at trouble at t’mill. Mention of downsizing and redundancy brings bad-feeling and worry, suggesting that the company is taking some desperate steps to save itself and so a good time to jump ship. If redundancy is offered, it provides the opportunity to change jobs / careers with a little bit of money in your pocket. If it’s not, you may still want to take this chance to review whether you think you have a future there.

7. Work-life balance woes

There are always going to be times when we need to work overtime, when our workloads seem totally achievable, but this shouldn’t be a constant state of affairs. Plus any decent employer should either give time off in lieu or pay for your services. It’s when work starts to negatively impact home life that many people begin to browse through the situations vacant. A healthy work-life balance should never be underestimated, and being asked to work weekends or spending nights awake from worry can have serious mental health implications. Most people want flexibility in their role – and many progressive employers enable it, so if yours doesn’t and is taking advantage to the detriment of your personal life, it might be time to construct your resignation letter.

Okay, we know that when it comes to moving jobs, it’s not quite so straightforward. It’s a big decision and there’s a lot to consider. However, just starting your job search can bring about a huge sense of relief; you know you’re taking control of the situation. Start looking for that next role, register with a recommended recruitment agency, and freshen up your LinkedIn profile.

If you’d like to scope out other possible roles, check out our latest jobs or send us your CV. Our career consultants are happy to chat with you and provide impartial advice on your options. Good luck!

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