6 February 2023

National Apprenticeship Week 2023: A Catch Up with Erin

It’s National Apprenticeship Week and we have caught up with one of our successful apprentices… Junior Account Consultant, Erin Holland.

So Erin, what was your Apprenticeship in?

Erin: I did a Level 2 Recruitment Apprenticeship, I passed in November 2022!

We bet that felt amazing! What was the best part about passing?

Erin: I felt so relieved, I had my afternoons back and I could actually stay on top of my work, without having to catch up on a Monday.

What was the schedule like? How did you juggle it?

Erin: I would work Monday to Thursday and then Friday would be an Apprenticeship day, but sometimes meetings would be during work-time, which can be tricky!

What was the best thing about finishing your Apprenticeship with ARM?

Erin: Being part of a company that understood what I was doing was really good. I could go to people for support and it gave me the opportunity to manage my money whilst learning too.

What advice would you give to someone wanting to do an Apprenticeship?

Erin: Pick the right placement! It’s so important to have employers that support you and understand what the course entails. Don’t have the expectation that it’ll be smooth-sailing… it’s not! You have to do your research, take notice of what you do in your job and use your resources while you have them. Talk to people!

What do you think is most important to think about before choosing to do an Apprenticeship?

Erin: Make sure you choose the right course, that you enjoy and find interesting, and the right environment to work in- that’s so important. You NEED dedicated time for your studies, it’s not something you can just make up or google.

Why did you choose an Apprenticeship?

Erin: There were two factors to it really, one… a back-up plan, something to fall back on and two… wanted to learn something whilst working and earning money. I had good benefits with mine too, I could earn commission, which made me feel rewarded.

Last question… Any plans for the future?

Erin: I’d like to do my REC exam next, and then maybe a part-time university course in Business Management so I can eventually run my own recruitment business!

To get in touch with Erin to discuss Rail opportunities, please contact her at erin.holland@arm.co.uk.

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