22 November 2016

Great candidate, great role

Candidates Career Advice Employees

Job hunting is no quick and easy task. It takes a great amount of time and effort to create an application which might get you to the next stage in the recruitment process.

But how do you stand out in the crowd? What differentiates you from the rest? What makes a great candidate, not just an ‘okay’ one?

Recruiters look for numerous qualities and characteristics, not all obvious. We asked ARM’s own consultants for their insights.

Here’s what they think makes a great candidate:

“When speaking to candidates, my favourite trait to look for would be hunger. If a candidate shares a hunger for what they do/would like to do, then I could definitely work with them now and in the future. So a win/win.”

– Jamie Appleby, Account Consultant, Automotive.

“Anyone who has achieved in reputable companies, in a niche market, will have currency. This should be attractive to any employer. It  also gives the recruiter an accurate appreciation of where to send / market / place that person.”

– Chadi Malak, Director, Advanced Technologies.

“I look for passion within their niche/market, what they’re doing ‘extra’.

– Holly Foxcroft, Recruitment Consultant, Cyber.

A place for soft skills?

“Someone who is easy to talk to stands out. It’s important to feel at ease when speaking to them, to understand their motivations for leaving their current job and also to understand their personal life. Without this ease, you will struggle to get all the information required.”

– Daniel Smith, Account Consultant, Defence and Aerospace.

“I pay attention to what soft skills and technical skills the candidate can offer the company, those that are not on the job specification.”

– Andrew Vaughan, Team Manager, IT Permanent.

“Commitment. I say this because it takes away doubt in the recruiter’s mind that the candidate won’t say that they’re not looking anymore or will accept a counter offer.”

– Charles Roberts, Recruitment Consultant, Infrastructure and Built Environment

“The more honest candidates are, the better job we can do finding them the perfect opportunity!”

– Rosy Hill, Junior Account Consultant, Engineering.

“I believe a true partnership between consultant and candidate is the most important. When the candidate entrusts you with their future, that’s what makes a great candidate.”

– Benjamin Wiggins, Recruitment Consultant, Manufacturing and Technologies.

“Bo staff skills, nunchuck skills, computer hacking skills – as long as they can code.”

– Matt Seeney, Senior Account Consultant, Defence and Aerospace.

“Good communication means we can develop relationships with the candidates. This builds trust- trust that we will do our best for them, trust that they will commit to attending interviews and working more exclusively with us.”

– Katherine Smallwood, Business Manager, Manufacturing and Technologies.

“Professional, but this has to be double-sided, i.e. when we behave professionally towards them, great candidates are the ones who are professional in return.”

Lorne Adams, Technology Service Delivery Director.

In Summary:

A real mix of personal and professional attributes can help you demonstrate what a great candidate you are. You don’t need to possess all of these, but bear them in mind when you’re pulling together your CV, your online application or even preparing for your interview.

Don’t be shy about your skills and achievements, develop a good relationship with your recruitment consultant, and let your personality shine through. You should be just fine!

To sign up for personalised job alerts or to submit your CV. If you need any further advice, get in touch!

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