3 September 2015

Women in Business- Heather Cracknell

Insights Serocor Group Women in business

This ‘Women in business’ blog celebrates the phenomenon that is the Head of People Development Heather Cracknell.

She has had a massive influence in her relatively short time at Serocor Solutions bringing in various initiatives including the creation of the Mums’ Network.

She has taken time out to answer a few questions about how she got where she is today here at Serocor.

My top tips for women in business:

  1. Be yourself and not try and be what others expect you to be
  2. Have a vision of what you want to achieve and work hard to get there
  3. Try and find a mentor, who can help and steer you on the right path

What are the biggest changes you’ve seen?

Biggest changes in business for women is that they are listened to. They now have a voice and I believe that businesses are beginning to see the benefits of senior women at board level, there is still a long way to go.  But we now have women serving on board naval ships, more women as police officers, lawyers and doctors and women can achieve in their chosen careers.

What was your dream job as a child and why?

My dream job as a child was to be a nurse. However, if I had my time again I would retrain as a midwife.

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