16 June 2015

City Cycle 300: A Triumph

Charity Culture Serocor Group Team

Champions of the City Cycle 300 Challenge jubilant homecoming!

The brave cyclists, who took on the challenge to cycle a 300-mile route in three consecutive days to raise £20,000 for Naomi House and Jacksplace, reached their final destination of Serocor‘s head office at 4.30pm on Friday 12th June.

The Journey

The cyclists started at Serocor HQ and cycled a route that took in our two other southern offices (London and Bournemouth). They spent hours in the saddle and put in a punishing 100 miles a day with a support team of five. The final mileage racked up was 345 with 10,522 feet of elevation and 13,883 calories burnt. But with the final flapjack consumed, the last energy bar eaten and the last blob of chamois cream applied, the epic journey had come to an end.

Day three began early and team Hare arrived in Lyndhurst just before 9am after a brief pit stop they set off for Bournemouth. Once again the pace was strong, despite the previous 240 miles and 25 hours from the previous two days, and they managed to dodge the thundery showers that had been all over the forecast. They arrived in Bournemouth at 10.30am to a warm reception with an embroidered banner thanks to Anna-Marie and a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts!

Despite a slight mishap when one of the riders dropped his front wheel into a grate and promptly went over the handlebars, buckling the wheel significantly, the team made it to Southampton at a very steady pace having time in hand for their arrival in Havant.


Both teams lined up in convoy for the last stint on the journey into Havant. Friends, family and staff turned out to welcome the intrepid cyclists home and emotions were running high on all sides. What a fantastic voyage and full of moments both teams will cherish forever.

A huge thank you to everyone who donated.

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